San Andreas PHP Stats

By Chris | 19th Jun 2005 at 10:55 GMT in San Andreas | 5 Comments

Want to convert your crappy stats.html file into something much nicer?

Well now you can.

Remember that horrible stats file that Vice City used to generate, the stats file generated by San Andreas isn't much better either.

What this page does is it generates a nice pretty, colourful page of your San Andreas PC stats file, which you can then show off to all your friends.

I hope you all enjoy using this, it's still in a beta stage but we have done a lot of self-testing and ironed out a few bugs already.

If you notice some stats that have become corrupt or that are showing different from your stats file please let me know so we can see what's wrong.

San Andreas PHP Stats

888ball's photo
888ball 19th June, 2005 @ 19:32 - Permalink

thats nice, wish i had Sanan on PC, i might get it once MTA is decent on it

Chris's photo
Chris 19th June, 2005 @ 20:42 - Permalink

Thanks and I would recommend you get SA PC :)

ralfy's photo
ralfy 19th June, 2005 @ 22:49 - Permalink

lol, damn you guys

I started to do the same php script, with the same thing (and was 80% completed). I had same idea, uploading the stats.html -> converting to text file -> getting stats from text file.

An idea: Make somehow so you can update your stats (in my script I made a user system for this).

But oh well, you made it first, there's no reason to continue the script. Good job on your stats, and nice site! :D

Chris's photo
Chris 20th June, 2005 @ 00:29 - Permalink
lol, damn you guys

I started to do the same php script, with the same thing (and was 80% completed). I had same idea, uploading the stats.html -> converting to text file -> getting stats from text file.

An idea: Make somehow so you can update your stats (in my script I made a user system for this).

But oh well, you made it first, there's no reason to continue the script. Good job on your stats, and nice site!  :D

Haha sorry about that mate, a user system is being worked on

maf's photo
maf 22nd June, 2005 @ 05:26 - Permalink